Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hangover Post

The fact that I haven't moaned about anything on here for ages then one would assume I have no more shit to moan about. No, I just haven't been able to motivate myself enough to get worked up into a frenzy of vitriol and pettyness.

Now I don't want to brag but after one person read my whine about superglue, I recently found a pot of glue with a brush applicator! That is the power of the Blog! I am power!

I'm not really ranting about much today as I have quite an unpleasant hangover today and my thought processes aren't doing the best. But as this blog has received it's first follower, I felt compelled to write something!

Facebook games are getting on my nerves at the moment, and moreso my inability not not get sucked in and waste hours on end pissing about with them. I currently play about 4-5 browser games on FB and to be honest there is only one that I am actually ok with, and that it chess. Cityville, Backyard Monsters, Edgeworld and War Metal are all games that are designed to make you throw away litterally hours of your life feeding this, fighting that, tickling this so you can extract the juice out of that and so on. One quite clever little idea of the games designers is to give you the oppertuinity to pay them real money to buy shit little tokens to make your army/city/farm/hatstand so much more powerful than everyone else's. The most annoying thing about these games though, is the relentless invitations from other players to play the game, get a bit of cheese to help your megamouse or a gift of a shaven egret statue or whatever. I know I'm quite guilty of pointless requests but this is part of my plan to bring everyone into my circle of misery. The most aggravating thing about these games is how pathetically addicted I get to them, thus not doing anything constructive, just levelling up, in a virtual world where power = not having a life.

So here is my new updated list of things I hate:
1) Banks and bankers.
2) Superglue bottle manufacturers.
3) Facebook Browser Games (that make me look pathetic).